Dr. G's Brainworks Website Design


Application Development

A highly efficient application that predicts, in real-time, the rideability of trails in the Northwest Arkansas area. The app is web-based using React/NodeJS and leveraging AWS and Lambda functions for caching, performance, and scalability. The application’s back-end is a mix of data analysis and machine learning that we leveraged to build an algorithm to predict the impact, decay, and overall status of a trail. It was essential for long-term growth that the API layer of the application be scalable beyond our initial app delivery and allow for new partners to leverage (and ultimately pay for) the data we’ve collected and algorithms we’ve developed.

By utilizing PowerBI for machine learning, we could consistently deliver better and more flexible algorithm development and improvement without spending resources on directly incorporating, training, and ultimately utilizing a traditional machine learning model. The culmination of several of our core competencies, including project management, data analysis, UX/UI, and expert React/NodeJS development, allows us to help drive Flowfeed’s application forward, continuously improve and iterate on, and ultimately equip their team to success.